Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Music Appreciation Monday April 9th

Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Today marks the first of many blog related assignments we will be doing in music appreciation.  The purpose is to get you to learn about a great technology called blogging you can use inside and outside of class. These assignments are also designed to get you excited about learning about all aspects of music as well as sharing your love for music with the rest of the class. Hopefully this will be as fun and exciting as it is for me.

Go to the following website called Jambase and do some exploring around the site. Read an article or two and in the comment section of this blog let me and your classmates know about the articles you read and how you feel about them.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. This is Krista. I just wanted to let you know that I have visited your site. I was unfamiliar with JamBase, so that was a nice, new find for me. Thanks for sharing!
